1. Have a large market, but not one that’s already dominated.
Having a large market just means that there are a lot of people who will want to buy your product, but a dominated market will be hard to break into, and that might scare off potential investors.
2. Make sure to discuss what your customers need vs. what they want.
Just because you’ve identified a need doesn’t mean your customers have identified that same need in their lives.
3. Really focus on your customers instead of yourself.
If an investor thinks that you’re too focused on your needs instead of those of your customer, they won’t feel safe giving you their money because you might not notice changes in customer attitudes, even when that could spell disaster.
4. Be able to answer two of the most important questions: “What customer problem are you solving?” and “Why are you the person to solve it?”
5. Have a ready-to-use, physical product.
Investors like to have something to play with and hold before they invest. It’s one thing to just hear about an idea, but it’s something else completely to know that you can actually deliver on your promises.
6. Make a great first impression.
Act strong and confident, even if you’re not. Use body language to your advantage. If you act strong, you may just fool your investor into thinking you’re trustworthy enough to be invested in.
Try to set up your meeting ahead of time so that you don’t have to carry anything into the room with you. People without anything in their hands appear more in control of the situation than those who are fumbling to hold a few samples.
7. Explain where you’ll find your customers and what you need to do to find them.
Just knowing your customer base (number one) doesn’t mean that you know where to get in touch with them. What’s your marketing plan? How are you going to convince people to buy your product?
8. Explain why you’re different or better than your competition.
This is very important. If you don’t offer anything new, better, or different, your customers won’t want to buy your product over the established brand.
And if your customers won’t believe in you, your investors won’t believe in you.
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