Today I want to talk about some trends that 2015 will bring to engineers. Although they’re interesting to everyone, it’s engineers who will have the biggest impact—if the world wants to have robots in 2015, where do you think they’ll come from?
That’s right. Engineers.
One trend that we can expect for this year is an increase in additive manufacturing. I’ve already written about some trends that 3D printing will see this year, but there will be an overall rise in 3D printing as the technology develops. More products will include 3D printed components, even if the rest of the part is still made using more traditional methods.
Wondering how this will impact the job market? Right now there is immediate need for researchers and developers of more advanced machines and materials. Eventually, there will be a need for 3D printing machinists.
I love writing about the things NASA is doing. They recently announced a plan to use a submarine to explore the methane lakes on Titan, and I know they’re working on developing contour crafting for developing stations on the moon and Mars.
But do you know what they need to get there?
Of course, robots are also making huge strides in their design and functions. 2015 may be the year that engineers help them make the jump into the consumer market. Maybe your robotic design will be the one that is in every home this holiday season.
And—this is a great one—since demand for engineers is going up and unemployment for engineers is still well below the national average, salaries are expected to rise too.
There are a lot of big changes coming soon for America and for the world. The biggest changes are coming from the hands and minds of skilled engineers who love their professions and the ability to make earth a better place.